Headline: DIPPER Lab Collaborates with FabLab to Fabricate the First Metasurface Antenna Designed by KNUST Researchers

When and Where

Date and Time

Oct. 19, 2022
Time: 10 a.m.



About The Event

DIPPER Lab has teamed up with the Fabrication and Testing Lab of Offenburg University of Applied Sciences to create their first ultra-wideband metasurface antenna with stable angle and cross polarisation. The design of the metasurface antenna was handled by the researchers at DIPPER Lab. Following its design, the antenna was then sent to Germany for the fabrication process, which was expertly overseen by Mr. Patrick Hog. The collaboration between the two labs resulted in the successful fabrication of an ultra-wideband metasurface antenna that boasts stability in both angle and cross polarisation. Dr. Bright Yeboah-Akowuah, the lead of the Metasurface project was excited at the prospects this collaboration offers in the domain of antenna design, fabrication, and testing. With the combined expertise of design and fabrication by the DIPPER and Offenburg teams, this new antenna is sure to make a significant impact in the world of technology and communication.


Patrick Hog
Abdul-Rahman Ahmed
EricTutu Tchao
Andrew Selasi Agbemenu
Selorm Aggor