Headline: Opportunity - DIPPER Lab Invites the Academic Community to a 3-Day Technical Lecture

When and Where

Date and Time

Feb. 13, 2023
Time: 9 a.m.


RWESCK Auditorium, KNUST

About The Event

The Distributed IoT Platforms, Privacy and Edge-Intelligence Research (DIPPER) Laboratory and the Digital Development Technologies Theme under the KNUST Engineering Education Project (KEEP) are pleased to extend an invitation to the academic community to attend a three-day technical lecture series entitled, "The Internet of Every-Things: Technologies and Applications." This lecture series will cover a range of topics relating to IoT, including models and architectures, as well as application layers. The esteemed visitor and keynote speaker, Professor Axel Sikora, Head of the Software Solution Division at Hahn-Schickard Association of Applied Research and Scientific Director of the Institute of Reliable Embedded Systems and Communication Electronics, will be imparting his knowledge and expertise on these subjects. We are confident that full participation in this technical lecture series will provide a comprehensive understanding of IoT. Further details regarding the three-day technical lecture, including the date, time, venue, and participating partners, can be found in the attached invitation flyer.


Eric Tutu Tchao
Abdul-Rahman Ahmed
Axel Sikora